FCC最近通過了FCC 22-84 [1] 關于通過設備授權計劃防止通信供應鏈受到國家安全威脅。報告和命令中的規(guī)則將在聯(lián)邦公報(FR)上發(fā)布后立即生效。
The FCC recently adopted FCC 22-84 [1] on Protecting Against National Security Threats to the Communications Supply Chain through the Equipment Authorization Program.
The rules in Report and Order FCC 22-84 will be effective immediately upon publication in the Federal Register (FR). We believe the publication in the FR is eminent and there is no transition period. This means that any applications under processing and review at the TCB will need have the new required attestation exhibits if they are granted after the publication of the rules in the FR.
KDB 986446 D01 Covered Equipment v01:
The first attestation exhibit is for the applicant to certify the equipment subject to certification is not on the equipment covered list and the applicant is not on the applicants covered list (ext. link). There are two attestations in this attestation exhibit, both must be left as separate letters and not combined.
第二個證明信是指定美國代理人進行傳票服務。根據(jù)KDB和第2.911(d)(7)條,申請人必須指定一個位于美國的聯(lián)系人,作為申請人的代理人送達法律文書,無論申請人是國內(nèi)實體還是外國實體。位于美國的申請人可以指定自己為送達法律文書的代理人。新的FCC角色類似于ISED Canada設備認證要求的加拿大代表角色。
The second attestation exhibit is for the designation of a U.S. agent for service of process. Per the KDB and according to section 2.911(d)(7), the applicant must designate a contact located in the United States for purposes of acting as the applicant’s agent for service of process, regardless of whether the applicant is a domestic or foreign entity. An applicant located in the United States may designate itself as the agent for service of process. The new FCC role is similar to the Canadian representative role for ISED Canada equipment certification requirements.